OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Customize BOM Text Output

Text can be output to the BOM report verbatim using the Text statement in the Report Definition file. For example, if the following value was applied to the TEXT statement:

TEXT = text to output

then the text displays at a defined offset (margin) from the report border:

If you decide to add another line and insert spacing between the margin and the text:

TEXT = text to output
TEXT = @   text to output

Where the @ symbol is a placeholder for a space and the second line has 4 leading spaces:

Additional Formatting

The basic examples above display how the text and be positioned in the BOM. Additional control of how the text can be positioned and formatted is available using the following

format for the text: [offset:width:fmt:text]


  • Offset: The Offset from the report left border.
  • Width: The width of the text box.
  • Fmt: Decoration flags. This can be a combination of the following characters:
    • L: Left aligned (Default)
    • R: Right aligned
    • C: Center aligned
    • U: Underline
  • Text: The text to output.

Not all the fields are required, see the following examples of how these formatting variables can be applied:

The actual text starts (10mm + margin) from the report left border.

TEXT = [10:text to output]

The same start point as above but the available width for the text is 40mm. The actual available width would be 40 -2 * margin.

TEXT = [10:40:text to output]

The same as above but the available width is now 20mm. The text will not fit in the available width so it is wrapped and output in multiple lines.

TEXT = [10:20:text to output]

The text is centered in the 40mm wide box that starts at 10mm from the left border. The text is also underlined.

TEXT = [10:40:CU:text to output]

The text is centered in the 20mm wide box that starts at 10mm from the left border. The text is wrapped, centered and underlined.

TEXT = [10:20:CU:text to output]

A single TEXT line may contain more than one decorated text.

The following statement:

TEXT = [10:20:CU:text to output] [50:40:R:something]

Would display as shown below.

Note: The dotted boxes are there to show the different alignments and not actually displayed on the isometric.

Using Expressions

The TEXT statement can contains expressions based on drawing attributes. See the examples below:

Note: For this examples the margin had been changed to 1mm.

In the statements below, a specific Text string is defined (such as LINENUMBER), as well as an expression which will return a value for the text string.


The following statements use the offset value [30] to align the expression values.

TEXT = [0:30:NomDiam] [30:= $(NOMINAL_DIAMETER)]

This example adds a format specifier [2f] which extends the Nominal Diameter value two places to the right of the decimal.

TEXT = [0:30:NomDiam] [30:= $(NOMINAL_DIAMETER:.2f)]